
Guignol is an iconic character in Lyon’s puppet theatre. Created in the early 19th century by the canut (silk weaver) Laurent Mourguet, Guignol is a popular character, often depicted as a small, outspoken man who denounces the social and political injustices of...

The rosette and the saucisson de Lyon

The rosette de Lyon and the saucisson de Lyon are two charcuterie specialities that are emblematic of Lyon’s cuisine and its famous Bouchons, such as the Café des Fédérations. Rosette de Lyon is a dry sausage made from pork, usually lean meat and pork fat,...


Cochonaille generally refers to a variety of pork-based products. This can include a range of charcuterie such as raw sausages, dry sausage, ham, bacon, rillettes, pâté, terrines and many others. In short, it’s an assortment of processed pork products....

Tablier de sapeur

Tablier de sapeur is a culinary speciality from the city of Lyon. It consists of a piece of veal meat, usually from the gras-double (the part of the animal’s stomach), which is breaded and fried. It is said that Marshal de Castellane, the governor of Lyon who...

The Lyonnaise salad

The Lyonnaise salad is a culinary specialty originating from our beautiful city of Lyon, and of course from the Café des Fédérations. It’s a salad made with frisée lettuce hearts, bacon, croutons, and poached eggs. It is often seasoned with a vinaigrette made from...

The Bouchon Lyonnais

Bouchons Lyonnais are gastronomic gems rooted in the rich culinary tradition of the city of Lyon, France. These warm and friendly establishments are much more than just restaurants; these are institutions that embody the Lyon art of living. The origin of the term...