The Mâchons

6 June 2024

The Mâchons

The ‘café des Fédérations’ in Lyon is famous for its mâchons, a typically Lyonnais tradition. Mâchons are hearty, convivial meals traditionally eaten by Lyon’s workers (the Canuts) before a day’s work on the looms. The term ‘mâchon’ comes from the verb ‘to chew’, as these meals often consisted of simple, easy-to-eat foods.

At the Café des Fédérations, mâchons are served in the morning, usually from 8am, and consist of a variety of traditional Lyonnais dishes. These often include specialities such as hot sausage, tablier de sapeur and many more, cheese of course such as saint-marcellin or cervelle de canut (a fresh cheese mixed with herbs and garlic), as well as potted red wine to accompany the meal.

The mâchons at the Café des Fédérations offer an authentic experience of Lyonnais gastronomy, with a warm and friendly atmosphere that attracts locals and tourists alike in search of local culinary tradition. It’s a popular place to discover Lyonnais cuisine in a typical, authentic setting.

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LYON depuis 1872

Café Des Fédés - Bouchon lyonnais depuis 1872
Café des Fédés - Maître restaurateur à Lyon