
Garnier-Thiebaut and the Café des Fédérations: an alliance of excellence! Nestled in the heart of the Vosges mountains, Garnier-Thiebaut has been a flagship of the French textile industry since 1833. Renowned the world over for its unrivalled expertise in weaving...

Pike quenelle

Pike quenelle is one of Lyon’s signature dishes, often associated with the city’s famous bouchons, such as the Café des Fédérations. This dish perfectly illustrates the richness of Lyon’s gastronomy, renowned for its simplicity and authenticity. Here...

Lyon’s Fête des Lumières

Lyon’s Fête des Lumières is an iconic event that attracts millions of visitors every year. Here are some important facts to know: Origins and historical significance Religious origins: The Fête des Lumières dates back to December 8, 1852, when the people of Lyon...

Shopping in Lyon

In the heart of Lyon’s Presqu’île district, an invisible thread links three living symbols of the city’s heritage and culture. The Saint-Nizier church, majestic guardian of the district, not only watches over the city’s history, but also its...

Rue Tupin (Tupin Street)

Café des Fédérations and rue Tupin, although not directly linked, share a common history linked to Lyon’s craft and culinary traditions and its famous Bouchons Lyonnais. Rue Tupin, named after the tupiniers (potters) who worked there in the Middle Ages, recalls...

Poire pochée au vin rouge (poached pear in red wine)

Poire pochée au vin rouge (poached pear in red wine) is an emblematic specialty of Lyonnais cuisine, often served in Lyonnais bouchons such as Café des Fédérations. Here are a few details on this delicious dessert: Origin and background Lyon, capital of gastronomy:...